Friday, June 27, 2014


Mom registered me for school today. I start on July second! I saw the vet and got my third booster shot. Other than that, I just played in the yard all day. I love lazy weekends!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hi I'm Sadie!

Hi everyone! Mom says were going to be doing this thing called blogging... Not really sure what that is, but she says it'll be fun. I guess I should start by telling you a little about me. I am a little bulldog (the American kind). I am fun, snuggly, wiggling, silly, and a super happy puppy! Life wasn't always this good. I belonged to some people who didn't think I was special because I can't see. But a really nice Vet talked them into giving me to blind dog rescue!!! I stayed with this really cool lady named Dede until I was old enough to fly to Richmond Virginia! On a plane!! I met the nicest pilots who flew me to my foster mom! Now I get to play with my foster brothers, steal moms socks, and wrestle with my foster daddy.

When I was tiny, I didn't get enough to eat. My legs were a little weak and kind of bowed in. After a few weeks of good food (I love food!) and calcium pills, I feel great! I'm not quite crate trained. Sometimes I still have to potty, and I just can't hold it. I'm getting pretty good at letting mom know I gotta go.

Next week I start obedience classes! I don't know what that is, but I hope it's fun!

Mom loves me, but she says I can only stay until Blind Dog Rescue finds me the perfect home. If she kept me then there wouldn't be room for any more foster babies. Can I come live with you?!?!